Learnings from NY Times UX Case Study

Learnings from NY Times UX Case Study

UX Case Study Learnings from a New York Times app redesign. This redesign was done by by Johnny Vino, Addi Hou, Ke Hu.

I documented my learnings from a case study about the NY Times' timely concept, I got the article on Medium

This feature of the New York Times app aimed at helping users inculcate the habit of reading, so users had the opportunity to integrate their digital calendar to have a set time to read it

  1. To properly have your users at the forefront, it's important to conduct research to guide your design decisions.

  2. Products should have a defined target audience, this means you need to know who are your users. The New York design concept was suitable to their users (Young people in New York, aged 20-40, people that are tech inclined).

  3. Iteration is key to a good product experience. Feedback from user testing and stakeholders should be considered and implemented.

Thanks for reading this article. If you are interested check out the link below.

Note: The design is not originally from the New York Times design team https://uxdesign.cc/the-new-york-times-timely-app-concept-27efe88e5d4b